Easy access to competence while having your hands free

The Jodapro app is a guided way to enhance your competence remotely

To start using Jodapro, you need to know your specialists' working methods. The Jodapro team will guide you in setting up the perfect team of experts for your industry. And our knowledge of the healthcare market is why we make the transition from difficult to easy.

We work with Webex

Working with Webex is one of the reasons Jodapro is so easy to use and the quality so great.

How to install Jodapro to your device

Contact our team at support@jodapro.no, and we will guide you through everything.

How to use Jodapro

When powering up your device, you are directly in your catalog. Call your specialist, and the call is opened. End the call when you are done.

Jodapro app for smartphones and tablets

Go to Appstore or Google Play Store and download the Jodapro app, get a onetime key from support@jodapro.no, and we will link your catalog to both your Realwear device and phone.



We have an api for our service!

To get the Jodapro Catalogs you will have to 

            1.         Request a ApiKey from Jodapro team

            2.         Use this endpoint to get the catalogs and video units: GET: https://api.jodapro.no/Catalogs, and send the ApiKey: {providedKey} on header.